Thursday, April 9, 2015

5 Tips to Deal with Change Effectively

By PS Leong
Image by Microsoft Clipart

Change is inevitable and everyone deals with it differently. Some are more susceptible to change and adopt a positive outlook while there are some who resist and fear change.  Below are five tips in helping you embrace change successfully in your work place. 

Get the Facts

Most people resist change out of fear.  Why? Career coach Phyllis Mufson explains, “We’re creatures of habit and changes at work move us out of our comfort zone.” As they say, no fear is bigger than the fear of the unknown. The best way to battle unknown fears is to get as much information as possible. As you talk to relevant parties about the change and get more clarity, you might realise your fears are unfounded. Save yourself some sleepless nights by speaking to your superior and get accurate information instead of engaging with an overactive imagination and rumours.   

Change Your Perspective

Instead of viewing change as something negative, try looking at it as an opportunity. Stop dreading and thinking of worst case scenarios and start adopting an attitude of anticipation. Change brings growth and allows you new experiences and exposures that will sharpen your skill sets and allow you to explore new areas of interests.
Keep Your Focus 

There will be times when information is limited and you won’t know the entire picture if the management decide it isn’t time to make the details public. During these times, it’s important not to become paralyzed by the uncertainty that comes with change. The right approach is to channel your energy into staying focused and performing your best with the work at hand. It is easy to get distracted and discouraged but it is essential you do not neglect your present duties. Showing your resilience and dedication to doing your best always pay off wherever you are.

Stay Connected

Having a strong network internally and externally can help you stay in the loop during times of change. It can also keep you alert to trends and opportunities that may come your way. Having multiple connections allow you to tap into various sources of information, a better support system and an external sounding board when you need a listening ear. 
Strong Support System

Get support from an experienced mentor at work during times of uncertainties will help you cope better with change. It’s all too easy to get suck into negativity so steer clear of those who moan and complain. In challenging times, it’s also important to seek support and stability from family and friends. Research has shown that those who have positive stable influence outside of work tend to cope better with changes and challenges at work.  

Quiz: How Well Do You Deal with Change?

Complete this quiz to find out what’s your tolerance for change: Tolerance of Change Scale

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